Monday, April 27, 2009

Depression is always SEX

This seems new but very old.. 

I haven't cried for the loss of my development but I have fucked a man. 

Everything got lost,
my energy,
my leadership,
my sorrow,
every little fucking thing got lost. 

How dare I treat the bones in my body with such abuse?
(I lie with this story.....)
It was the text and feelings of need that drove me to my LOW. 
I hit the floor!

Morning hasn't came but he did. Inside my body lies his poison of truth. The truth of my blue days and the story of a person that still finds punishment in offering his body to sex and never Love. 

1 comment:

Hailey the One and Only LandMermaid said...

mmmm reminds me of myself.
depression really is always sex.