Today I went to go see MILK and it was by far such an empowering movie that totally made me believe once again in the power of an individual. I don't know what it was about him specifically that motivated so many people to rally and be political. Maybe it was the fact that he was able to truly build a coalition. I hate this gay movement so much. Ugh! It's so fucking white-driven! What about those undocumented folk's that CANT even get fucking married? Or what about the transgender folk's in SF that are getting killed but nothing is being done about it... What about my issues? My queer people of color issues?
I have a headache,
And eyes that won't stop aching.
From nothing,
Because that's how I felt when nothing resembled my face in the crowds of gays...
You may not like what I have to say but... my opinion is, one step at a time. At least there IS a gay movement right now. There are so many issues out there to fight for but you have to start somewhere and sometimes baby steps are necessary. Sometimes it will even take 8 years. (lol)
Of course no one likes that it takes so long but sadly people's eyes open rather slowly.
Better a white-driven gay movement than no movement at all, is what I say.
completely disagree with your statement... NGL
start your own movement.
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