last night i drank tequila to pass time.
four comadres,
gold watch,
owl necklace,
all in a piece of shit club---i'm 21, i deserve better.
i danced,
we danced,
on a pole,
long islands in the air as if the night was young and tomorrow would never come.
i miss(ed) you.
he came from behind and i thirst for his arms,
your arms,
but you---he was there.
he danced,
i danced,
he kissed,
i kissed,
i bit,
he bit more.
i made sure he bit enough,
so i can show you,
that i don't want you,
i need you.
i'm tired of these bite marks.
on my neck,
but i'm not willing to give up.
when i see you tomorrow,
the next day,
even the third day,
i'll make sure you notice,
the same way you forced me.
i'll laugh,
give you one last peek,
and push you goodbye until the next hickie on my neck.